마르크스 캔 웨이트 / Marx Can Wait
Marx Can Wait / 2021 / Marco Bellocchio / IMDb
★ 2.9
굉장히 개인적인 이야기를 담았다.
세상에 이해할 수 없는 죽음이 있다. 고레에다 히로카즈 감독의 환상의 빛 생각을 많이 했다. private한 영역을 public하게 풀어낸다는 것이 얼마나 대단한 재주인가도 다시금 생각했다.
아무래도 이 영화는 벨로치오 감독의 아키이빙을 위한 목적에 방점이 찍힌 것 같다. 한 시간반동안 타인의 이야기만 듣고있는 것은 꽤나 고역이었다.
Country: Italy
Production Year: 2021
Running Time: 91min
Format: DCP
Color: Color
Program Note
Everybody has a memory that they don′t want to reveal to anyone, and every family has a painful history that they can′t talk about easily. With Marx Can Wait, Marco Bellocchio returns to his own past—the story of his twin brother, who killed himself at the age of twenty-nine. The testimony of family and friends, faded photographs, and 8-millimeter film clips sensitively reveal the story of the young man who lost his way. The deceased appears as a ghost in the director′s previous films such as Fists in the Pocket (1965); The Eyes, The Mouth (1982); My Mother′s Smile (2002), and in others as a child. The master knows well that meeting the twin brother who committed suicide a long time ago will force him to eventually look into himself. Marx Can Wait which may have been a painful rite of passage for an 82-year-old master, is more painful and deeper than any other Bellocchio′s movie. (SEO Seunghee)